Al-Madinah School

Newsletter 21 March 2023

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB



The new moon for Ramadhan will be sighted tomorrow.  If the new moon is seen, then fasting will begin from Thursday 23 March otherwise fasting will start on Friday 24 March. Ramadhan Mubarak to all. During Ramadhan the teachers will leave at 3.45pm while office will close at 4pm.


Secondary Girls Iftaar night will be on Tuesday 04 April from 5.30 – 7.15pm. Students from years 7G to 13G will be invited to attend with one guest. More information will be sent later this week.

Secondary Boys will be having Iftaar night on Wednesday 05 April from 5.00 to 7.30pm for years 7B to 13B which will be for students only.


School sunhats are now available to be purchased from the school office. Price for sunhat is $15.00 each.

Mangere Kahui Ako historical cultural Arts and Sports Event

This year Mangere Kahui Ako (MKA) Across School Leaders have planned for local historical cultural Sports and Arts event involving teachers from the Mangere Kahui Ako schools (RE: focus is on localised curriculum, assessment capability and wellbeing). If you can or know any kaumatua/elderly or anyone from our cultural groups (Arabs, Bangladeshi, Afghani, Fijian, Indian, Pakistani, Somali, etc) who can share valuable knowledge and skills about the history of our cultural sports and Art (preferably food) with teachers of other schools and how things have changed and why. For details, please kindly contact Ustadah Rukshana Khan on or

  • MKA teachers will take these knowledge and skills to their classroom. This is a form of dawah as well.


School is providing students with free breakfast and Fruits in Schools program. Please encourage students to take benefit from this.

Attendance and Punctuality 

All students are to be in school on time before the morning dua at 8.30am. APs and Principal will be following up with the students in the office who are constantly coming late.

STUDENTS SHOULD NOT BE MISSING SCHOOL WITHOUT VALID REASON. This leads to their studies being affected when they miss school and/or leave early during the day.


Students need to spend some time in all their subjects besides just doing homework in order to help improve their academic progress at large.


Jazaakallahu Khairan to all the parents, caregivers and community members for the support, participation, and donation towards our school gala day. We are expecting a net profit of over $10,000.00 which will be used as subsidy towards the school camps. Upon suggestions from the Student Councils, the school intends to hold another Gala Day this year.


The school finishes for term 1 on Thursday 6th April at 2.30pm.


Asin Ali
