Al-Madinah School

Newsletter 07 March 2023

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB


Shab-e-bara’at will be observed tonight.


Gala Day is on Saturday 11 March 2023 from 9.00am to 3.00pm.  Stall cost is $80.00.   If you need to hire space for the stall, please contact the school office. If you are putting a stall, you are required to bring your own tables.  Stall will be set up in the AMS Hall.

Food stalls will only be put up by the school. Food donations including bhajias, cakes, cupcakes muffins, bread, liquid milk, sauce, and sweets are most welcome and will be appreciated.

There will be lots of stalls:  hot chips and juice, tea & coffee, candy floss, pop corns, savoury, sweets, cakes and insha’Allah plenty more.

You all are welcome to come, enjoy and support the school.


The teachers are going on strike on 16 March 2023, hence the teachers will not be available in class.

Therefore, the parent/teacher meeting for years 1–13 have changed to Wed 15th March 2023 from 8.00am – 5.00pm.  This will be a whole day programme.  The students need to stay home and only come to school at the appointment time with their parents and go back with them.

Booking will be open by 4.00pm today and can be done via website: Enter the event code: sz5s3Then follow the instructions on the screen.

Parents/caregivers who do not have internet at home, are most welcome to contact the class teachers or the school office to book appointments.


Once again, our secondary girls participated in the IWCNZ and FIANZ sponsored netball competition on Saturday (4/3/23). Mashaallah and Alhamdulillah, our junior team won the competition in the junior grade. They played against 6 teams. Our youth team won the runner-up trophy against 3 other teams. Tayyibah Sahib (year 10) was awarded with the most valuable player trophy. Jazaakallahu khairan to all the whanau support. Special thanks to sister Nazmeen Ali for providing lunch to the girls and sponsoring the netball uniforms.


Jazaakallahu Khairan to ust. Rehana Khan for organising and participating in the Round the Bays Marathon. Mashaallah AMS has been participating in this event for the past number of years. 38 students from years 7-13 and 8 staff and their family members participated in Round the Bays on Sun 5th March. They walked 8.4 km from downtown Auckland on Quay St beside Spark Arena passing through the bays along Tamaki Drive, finishing in St Heliers Bay. Team Al-Madinah did well, finishing the marathon on time.

Special thanks ust Asraf Ali, ust Sarah Landi, ust Rehana S Khan, ust Farzana, ust Nazmeen Zaim, ust Shazneen and ust Rehana Karim. We would also like to thank sr. Rohina Janif, sr Safia Sabbir, brother Rafiyudin Landi and Ishaq Landi for their help and support during the event.


Senior Secondary Boys and staff have gone to Hamilton for their camp and will return on Wed 8 March 2023.

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students

Money Hub has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2024.

  • the link.
  • The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students.
  • A list of privately funded Māori, Pacific and International
  • university scholarships complete the list.
  • Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available.
  • Money Hub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success.


Secondary School Inter-house athletics winners:

Girls – Badr

Boys – Badr


Parent/caregivers who are picking up their child/children during the day for appointments or any other genuine reasons, must produce an appointment letter.  You are requested to make appointment after school if possible as students miss out on important lessons.



Parents/caregivers are requested to inform the office as soon as your contact details changes (e.g.  address, phone contact, email address. etc).

Uniform purchase hours

Uniform will only be sold from Monday to Thursday from 3.30pm – 4.00pm and on Fridays 2.30pm to 3.00pm.  Parents/ caregivers are requested to come during the above hours. Please bring your child/children along with you to buy their uniform and choose the correct sizes to avoid exchange or returns.  ALSO NOTE UNIFORM WILL NOT BE SOLD IN THE MORNINGS.


At AMS, we run special hifz classes for both girls and boys. To date well over 25 students have become hafiz/hafiza of Qur’aan.

Hifz classes starts at 7.30am. Parents are asked to take advantage of the hifz classes. Please make application by completing the Hifz application form is available in the school office.


Asin Ali
