The year 12 and 13 students had been given the opportunity to participate in a leadership program on the 27th and 28th   of February. This two-day course had taught the students the significance of being a leader and what it truly means to lead others, by exploring several leadership styles and looking into its psychology. Students were made to engage in various interactive activities that represented one of the primary ideas; that leadership begins with teamwork. All students were given a chance to express their opinions and they showed positive responses when exposed to others, creating a collaborative and open-minded environment.

In one of the first activities, the students were grouped and told to state whether the three famous figures each group had chosen were leaders or not and why. Through this, they were able to begin by portraying their own knowledge on leadership and then gradually start to develop a new understanding by looking at different perspectives. By the end of the course, they were able to comprehend what qualities a good leader should possess in order to be influential and create a change that inspires others (Sahar Rahim 13G).