Secondary girls went on a school camp on 10th, 11th and 12th of March to Hunua Falls. This is the feedback by 11G:

“I had a great time bonding with people while camping. One thing that was very fun and funny was when I tried getting on to the raft that my team and I built but I fell into the freezing water straight away” – Faatimah

“Camp was an interesting experience. It definitely could have been better but most of us still enjoyed it. It was nice how everyone spent time with each other out of school and away from most of the rules; the school surrounds the students with” – Rukaiyah

“Camping was a great experience! We got to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, kayaked in the rain, bonded with everyone and created long-lasting memories” – Zaara

“It was a great experience flipping from the kayak four times and losing my glasses. Raft building was interesting; it was fun falling into the water and getting my shoes wet. It was a fun and interesting time at camp and I would love to go again!” – Nashreen

“Camp was very fun. We had amazing activities, which I liked, my favourite one was kayaking. We got to bond and spend quality time with other girls which I enjoyed and loved” – Nashtaan

“Camping was a very nice experience, my friends and I made a lot of memories which will stick with us forever, it was great getting away from technology and being by nature” – Humairaa

“Camping was fun. I gained many new skills from kayaking and raft building. One of the main skills I learnt was team building which allowed us to bond with different people which was very fun and interesting” – Aliyyah

“Kayaking and raft building was very fun and interesting. It was great hanging out with my friends and spending quality time with them. Camping was very fun” – Faazleen