Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

We are thrilled to share the incredible experiences of Day 2 at the Junior Boys Camp. Our students had a day filled with educational and fun activities. Here’s a glimpse of what they enjoyed:

Morning Activities

The day began with Fajr Salah and Taleem, followed by a delicious breakfast. Afterward, the students departed for Agrodome, where they embarked on a guided farm tour. They had the unique opportunity to hand-feed various New Zealand farm animals, including cattle, alpaca, ostriches, sheep, and deer. The Agrodome Sheep Show was another highlight, where the students witnessed a real kiwi shearer in action and interacted with champion sheep.

Exploring Waimangu Volcanic Valley

Next, the students ventured into the breathtaking Waimangu Volcanic Valley. They were captivated by the mysterious Inferno Crater, delicate sinter terraces, and the impressive Frying Pan Lake, one of the largest hot water springs in the world. The students also had the chance to immerse themselves in the unique plant life that thrives in the hot earths of Waimangu. After the walk, the students enjoyed a delightful lunch and prayed Zohur Salah.

Afternoon Activities

Back at the motel, the students were supposed to have some swimming time. However, due to maintenance work, swimming was not possible. Nevertheless, the students made the most of their time by engaging in indoor games and self-organized activities. It was heartwarming to see how they managed themselves and interacted with each other, utilizing their time socializing and playing indoor games. They had afternoon tea and prayed Maghrib Salah. Later, a delicious dinner was served.

Reflection and Team Building

After dinner, the students gathered in their groups and prayed Isha Salah with their teachers. They then participated in a team-building session and had a reflection on their learning experiences. This provided an opportunity for students to share their feedback and suggestions about the camp.

Our students’ active participation and eagerness to learn were wonderful to see, making us proud ambassadors for Al-Madinah School. We are proud of our students’ active participation and eagerness to learn. They have been excellent ambassadors for Al-Madinah School. We can’t wait to share more exciting updates with you tomorrow.


Asraf Ali

Camp Coordinator